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13 of our classmates and wives traveled to Birmingham, AL to play some golf, have a little fun, re-bond with our classmates and watch the Army team kick the #*!+ out of UAB. 3 out of 4 ain't bad! Except for the ballgame, it was truly a great experience and we all had a great week-end. Jerry White, Al Vanderbush and Gene Witherspoon were the primemovers in setting up a great program and getting others involved.

Golfers included Tom Baird, John Crosby (LTG USA Ret.-- Jerry W.'s neighbor), Dan DiCarlo, Rusty Dyer, Frank Egan,Bill Griffith, Ron Hannon, Ron's brother Tom, Ron's son Michael, Hamp Hodges, Gary Hyde, Bob Kewley, Don Sawtelle, Jim Stapleton (Cl. of '64), Bill Tobin, Jerry White and Gene Witherspoon. Wives included Judie Baird, Flo Anne Crosby, Janet DiCarlo & her friend Nancy Graham, Donna Dyer, Betty Egan, Pat Griffith, Andrea Hannon,Vicki Hodges, Button Hyde, Jo Sawtelle, Carolyn Stapleton, Cris Tobin, Cathy White and Georgia Witherspoon. By the way, Andrea, Button, Cris & Georgia led the way for golf Friday (31st). Needless to say, "They were awesome!"

Unfortunately, Al & Carin Vanderbush had to cancel at the last minute (medical procedure for Carin). We missd them and wish them both well. We're all sure that if Al had been there the Army Team would have fared alot better. The "good news" is that Jim & Judy Haise, who live in the Birmington area, were able to join the group for many of the activities.

In addition to the golf, activities included an opening "Free Happy Hour" at our home base Embassy Suites Hotel (Thurs, nite); museum tour, lunch & wandering for the non-golfers (Fri.); cocktails & dinner at "The Club" (Fri. nite), Army-UAB Tailgate hosted by Gary & Button Hyde (Sat. AM);" The Game" (Sat. PM); Happy Hour at the hotel and departures Sun.(2nd).

Many missed THE MAJOR EVENT of such mini-reunions -- the long standing, traditional tennis match between the STATE OF NEW JERSEY (Represented by Tom Baird) vs. the STATE OF TEXAS (Represented by Hamp Hodges). Due to our space limitations, we cannot go into the details or formally declare a "winner" but suffice it to say, there's a Cowboy in Rhode Island experiencing "Gloom Period".He & Vicki have an "invite" visit to the Baird's in "God's Country" (South Jersey) in 2004 for a rematch.

"Hats off" to Gene Witherspoon, Al Vanderbush and particularly Jerry White for arranging a great weekend!

Tom Hannon, Georgia Witherspoon & Button Hyde

Andrea Hannon & Chris Tobin

Jerry White, Ron Hannon & Group

Jerry & Hamp Hodges

Bill Tobin, Gary Hyde & Bob Kewley

Jerry and Bill & Chris Tobin

Ladies on 1st Tee

Rusty "in the pink"

Judie Baird, Button & Janet DiCarlo

Cathy's sister Virginia Brooks, and Jerry & Cathy White

Rusty & Donna Dyer, Bill & Pat Griffith and Don & Jo Sawtelle

Don & the Ladies

Rusty, Bill & the Sawtelles

Dan, Georgia, Janet, Gene & Nancy

Hamp & Vicki Hodges, John & Flo Anne Crosby and the Hydes

Gary (1/2 fun) & Button (full fun)

Gary & Button

The Crosbys

The Hodges

The Stapletons, Whites, Cathy's brother-in law Jordan Brooks & his wife Virginia

The Whites

The Tobins & Hannons

The Bairds, Egans & Bob Kewley

Birmingham from "The Club"

Button & "the witch" (Piano Player)

Jordan Brooks (Our Host at "The Club") & Button

Gene, Tom & Jim Haise

Tailgate Rabble

Dan & Bill

Jim Stapleton & Hamp

Button, the Hodges & Judy Haise

Button, the Hodges & Judy Haise

Gary, Hamp, Dan, Gene & Don Anselm

Bob, Gene, Dan, Don Anselm, Jim H., Gary & Jim S

Judie & the Haises

The Hodges















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